前几天给我的 MacBook Pro 装上了 Lion,不过原来的 Emacs 并不支持在 Lion 下全屏运行。github 上搜了下发现已经有让 Emacs 支持全屏模式的补丁了,Homebrew 中这个补丁也已经被吸收

直接用 brew install emacs –cocoa –srgb 似乎会碰到编译错误:

Finding pointers to doc strings...
Finding pointers to doc strings...done
Dumping under the name emacs
unexec: cannot write section __data
--- List of All Regions ---
   address     size prot maxp
--- List of Regions to be Dumped ---
   address     size prot maxp
--- Header Information ---
Magic = 0xfeedfacf
CPUType = 16777223
CPUSubType = -2147483645
FileType = 0x2
NCmds = 20
SizeOfCmds = 3464
Flags = 0x00200085
Highest address of load commands in input file: 0x5dd000
Lowest offset of all sections in __TEXT segment:   0x22f0
--- List of Load Commands in Input File ---

github issues 上已经有人报告这个问题了,解决方法也很简单,运行 brew edit emacs 打开 emacs 的安装脚本,在 def install 的后面加上两行:

  def install
    ENV['CFLAGS']='-fno-pie -O2'
    args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}",
    # ...

再运行一次 brew install emacs,就能在 /usr/local/Cellar/emacs/23.3 下找到支持全屏模式的 Emacs.app 了。M-x ns-toggle-fullscreen 可以在全屏/非全屏模式之间切换。