Word Power Made Easy
Personality types
Session 1
- egoist
- egotist
- altruist
- introvert
- extrovert
- ambivert
- misanthrope
- misogynist
- misogamist
- ascetic
Session 2
ego- (I)
- egoist
- egotist (obnoxious)
- egocentric (intolerable)
- egomaniac (dangerous and slightly mad)
- egoism
- egomaniacal
alter- (other)
- altruism
- altruistic
- alternate
- alternative
- alteration
- altercation: n. 争吵
- alter ego
Session 3
depends on how you turn
- introvert: intro + verto
- extrovert: extro + verto
- ambivert: ambi + verto
- ambidextrous: ambi + dextrous
- ambidexterity: ambi + dexterity
- dexter: adj. 幸运的(【拉丁语】右手)
- sinister: adj. 阴险的(【拉丁语】左手)
- gauche: adj. 不善交际的(【法语】右手)
- droit: 法语中的左手
- adroit: n. 灵巧的
love, hate, and marriage
- misanthrope: miso + anthropo
- misogynist: miso + gyne
- misogamist: miso + gamy
- anthropology
- philanthropist: philo + anthropos
- gynecologist: n. 妇科医生,gene + logy
- monogamy: mono + gamos
- bigamy: n. 重婚
- polygamy: n. 一夫多妻/一妻多夫制
living alone and liking it
- ascetic: n. 禁欲主义者
- verto/versus: 【拉丁语】转变
- miso: 【希腊语】恨 (misein)
- anthropos: 【希腊语】人类
- gyne: 【希腊语】女性 (gynaiko)
- gamy: 【希腊语】婚姻 (gamia)
- philo: 【希腊语】喜爱(philein)
- logy: 【希腊语】相关研究 (logie)
- ascetic: 【希腊语】僧侣,隐士 (askets)
How to talk about doctors
Session 4
- internist
- gynecologist
- obstetrician
- pediatrician
- dermatologist
- ophthalmologist
- orthopedist
- cardiologist
- neurologist
- psychiatrist
Session 5
inside you
- internist: internus + ist
doctors for women
- obstetrician: obstetrix + ician
- pediatrician: paidos + iatreia + ician
- pedagogy: 教学法,paidos + agogos
- pedagogue: 好为人师者,文学教师(蔑称)
- demagogue: 煽动者,demos + agogos
- pedestal: 基座,pedis + stallo
- pedal: 踏板
- pedestrian: 步行者
- dermatology: derma + logy
- hypodermic: 皮下,hypo + derma
- epidermis: 表皮,epi + derma
- taxidermy: (动物标本)剥制术,taxis + derma
- pachyderm: 厚皮动物(如象和犀牛),pachys + derma
- dermatitis: 皮炎,itis
the eyes have it
- ophthalmologist: ophthalmos + logy + ist
- oculist: oculus + ist
- ocular
- monocle: 单片眼镜,monos + oculus
- binoculars: 双筒望远镜, bi + oculus
- inoculate: 给……做预防注射,in + oculus
- oculist: oculus + ist
- optometrist: 验光师,optos + metron + ist
- optician: 配制眼镜技师,optos + ician
- internus: 【拉丁语】内部的
- obstetrix: 【拉丁语】接生婆
- paidos: 【希腊语】小孩
- iatreia: 【希腊语】医治
- agogos: 【希腊语】领导
- demos: 【希腊语】人们
- pedis: 【拉丁语】足部(pes)的所有格
- stallo: 【日耳曼语】座位
- derma: 【希腊语】皮肤(dermato 的简写)
- hypo: 【希腊语】在……之下
- epi: 【希腊语】在……之上
- taxis: 【希腊语】处理
- itis: 【希腊语】炎症
- pachys: 【希腊语】厚,大量
- ophthalmos: 【希腊语】眼睛
- oculus: 【拉丁语】眼睛
- optos: 【希腊语】视力
- metron: 【希腊语】度量
Session 6
the straighteners
- orthopedist: orthos + paidos
- orthodontia: 畸齿矫正,orthos + odontos
the heart
- cardiologist: cardio + logos
- cardiac: 心脏(病)的
- cardiogram
- cardiograph
the nervous system
- neurologist: neuro + logos
- neuralgia: neuron + algia
- neuritis: neuron + itis
- neurosis: 神经衰弱症,neuron + osis
- neurotic: adj. of neurosis
the mind
- psychosis: 精神病,psyche + osis
- psychotic: n., adj.
- psychiatrist: psyche + iatreia
- geriatrics: 老年病学,gere + iatreia
- orthos: 【希腊语】校正
- odontos: 【希腊语】牙齿
- cardio: 【希腊语】心脏(kardia)
- neuro: 【希腊语】神经(neuron)
- algia: 【希腊语】疼痛(algos)
- osis: 【拉丁语】异常
- psyche: 【希腊语】精神,灵魂
- gere: 【希腊语】老龄(geras)
Random Notes on Modern Usage
- Have got is an established American form of expression.
{% blockquote Jacques Barzun %} Have you got is good idiomatic English – I use it in speech without thinking about it and would write it if colloquialism seemed appropriate to the passage. {% endblockquote %}
- A prepositions requires an objective pronoun.
No one loves you except me.
A picture is hung, but a person is hanged – if such action is intended to bring about an untimely demise.
Only male graduates are alumni. We call women gradulate alumnae.
How to talk about various practitioners
Session 7
- psychologist
- psychoanalyst
- orthodontist
- optometrist
- optician
- osteopath
- chiropractor
- podiatrist
- graphologist
- gerontologist
Session 8
The mental life
- psyche
- psychic
- psychopathic: psyche + pathos
- psychopathy
- psychosomatic: psyche + soma
- psychoanalysis
- psychogenic: psyche + genesis
- psychotherapy
- psychotherapist
- psychotherapeutic
- pathos: 【希腊语】苦难;疾病
- soma: 【希腊语】身体
- genesis: 【希腊语】本源
Session 9
the whole tooth
- periodontist: 牙周病医师,peri + odontos
- endodontist: 牙髓病医师,endo + odontos
- exodontist: 拔牙专家,exo + odontos
- thermometer: thermos + metron
- barometer: 气压计,baros + metron
- sphygmomanometer: 血压计,sphygmos + metron
- metric: 公制的
bones, feel, and hands
- podiatrist: pous + iatreia
- octopus: 章鱼,okto + pous
- platypus: 鸭嘴兽,platys + pous
- podium: 讲台,podos + ium
- tripod: tri + pous
- chiropodist: 手足病医师,chiro + pous
- chirography: 书法, chiro + graphein
- chirographic
- chiromancy: 手相,chiro + mancy
- peri: 【希腊语】在……周围
- endo: 【希腊语】在……里面
- thermos: 【希腊语】热
- baros: 【希腊语】重量
- sphygmos: 【希腊语】脉搏
- pous / podos: 【希腊语】足部
- okto: 【希腊语】八
- platys: 【希腊语】宽的,平的
- ium: ……的地方
- chiro: 【希腊语】手部 (kheiro)
- mancy: 【希腊语】预知未来
Session 10
writing and writers
- graphologist: graphein + logos
- calligraphy: 书法,kallos + graphein
- cacography: 拙劣的书法,kakos + graphein
- cardiograph
- photograph: photos + graphein
- phonograph: 留声机,phono + graphein
- telegraph: tele + graphein
- biography: 传记,档案,bios + graphy
aging and the old
- geriatrician: geras + iatreia
- gerontology: geras + logy
- senile: 衰老的
- senescent: 变老的
- adolescent
- convalescent: 恢复(期)的
- obsolescent: 逐步废弃的
- senior
- senate
- graphein: 【希腊语】书写
- kallos: 【希腊语】漂亮的
- kakos: 【希腊语】粗糙的,坏的
- photos: 【希腊语】光
- phone: 【希腊语】声音
- tele: 【希腊语】远程
- bios: 【希腊语】生活
- senex: 【拉丁语】老的
How Grammar Changes
Grammar follows the speech habits of the majority of educated people – not the other way around.
Don’t use ain’t I?, except humorously.
How to talk about science and scientists
Session 11
- anthropologist
- astronomer
- geologist
- biologist
- botanist
- zoologist
- entomologist
- philologist
- semanticist
- sociologist
Session 12
people and the stars
- astronomer: astron + nomos
- astronomy: 天文学
- astrology: 占星术
- astrologer
- astronaut: 宇航员,astron + nautes
- cosmonaut: 苏联宇航员,cosmos + nautes
- nautical: 海上的
- aster: 紫菀属植物(一种星状植物)
- asterisk: 星号
- astrophysics
- disaster: dis + astron,这里 dis 表示 against
- disastrous
- automony: autos + nomos
- autonomous
- metronome: 节拍器,metron + nomos
the earth and its life
- geologist: geo + logos
- geology
- geometry: geo + metron
- geometrician
- geometric
- geography: geo + graphein
- biologist: bios + logos
- biography: 传记,bio + graphein
- autobiography: 自传,auto + bio + graphein
- biopsy: 活体检查,bio + opsis
- autopsy: 尸体解剖,auto + opsis
- botanist: botane
- zoologist: zoion + logos
- zodiac: 黄道十二宫
- astron: 【希腊语】星星
- nomos: 【希腊语】安排、法律、秩序
- nautes: 【希腊语】水手,来源于 naus(船),后者也是 nausea(晕船)的词根
- cosmos:【希腊语】宇宙(kosmos)
- autos: 【希腊语】自己
- geo: 【希腊语】地球
- bios: 【希腊语】生活
- botane: 【希腊语】植物
- zoion: 【希腊语】动物
Session 13
cutting in and out
- entomology: 昆虫学,en + tome + logos(因为昆虫是节肢动物)
- insect: in + sectus
- tonsillectomy: 扁桃体切除术,tonsil + ec + tome
- appendectomy: 阑尾切除术,appendix + ec + tome
- mastectomy: 乳房切除术,masto + ec + tome
- hysterectomy: 子宫切除术
- prostatectomy: 前列腺切除术
- eccentric: 古怪的,ec + centrum
more cuts
- atom: tome
- atomic
- anatomy: 解剖,剖析,ana + tome
- tome: 册,卷
- dichotomy: 二分法,dicha + tome
- dichotomize
- epitome: 缩影,摘要,epi + tome
- epitomize
love and words
- philology: 语言学,philo + logos
- linguistics: 语言学,lingua + ist
more love
- philander: vi. 玩弄女性,philo + andros
- philosophy: philo + sophos
- Philadelphia: the City of Brotherly Love, philo + adelphos
- philharmonic: 爱音乐的人,philo + harmonia
- philter: n., vt., (用)春药,现在很少用这个词
- aphrodisiac: 春药,源于 Aphrodite,希腊神话中爱与美的女神
- bibliophile: 藏书家,biblion + philo
- Anglophile: 亲英派的人,Anglus + philo
words and how they affect people
- semanticist
- semantics
how people live
- sociology: socius + logos
- companion: com + panis
- associate
- socialize
- antisocial: 危害社会的
- asocial: 自我为中心的的,缺乏社交的
- en:【希腊语】in
- tome: 【希腊语】切割
- ec: 【希腊语】out(ek),即拉丁语中的 ex
- ana: 【希腊语】up
- dicha: 【希腊语】对半
- lingua: 【拉丁语】语言
- sophos: 【希腊语】智慧
- adelphos: 【希腊语】兄弟
- harmonia: 【希腊语】和谐
- biblion: 【希腊语】书
- Anglus: 【拉丁语】英国的
- socius: 【希腊语】陪伴
- com: 【拉丁语】和……一起
- panis: 【拉丁语】面包
How to talk about liars and lying
Session 14
- notorious
- consummate
- incorrigible
- inveterate
- congenital
- chronic
- pathological
- unconscionable
- glib
- egregious
Session 15
- notorious: notus
- notoriety
- noted: 和 notorious 都衍生于 notus,但是感情色彩不同。类似的还有 childlike 和 childish。
plenty of room at the top
- summit: summus
- sum: 也来源于 summus
- consummate: con + summus,用作动词和形容词时的重音不同
no help
- incorrigible: in + corrigere
- inveterate: in + vetus
- inveteracy
- veteran: 老兵
- genetics
- geneticist
- genealogy: 家谱
- genital: 生殖器(的)
- genesis: 起源
- congenital: con + genesis
- notus: 【拉丁语】著名的
- summus: 【拉丁语】最高的
- corrigere: 【拉丁语】修正(correct)
- in: 作为前缀出现时可以有相反(incorrigible)或加强(invaluable)的效果,也可以表达 in(inveterate)的本意。
- vetus: 【拉丁语】老的
- con: 一起
Session 16
of time and place
- chronic: 习惯性的,长期的,chronos
- chronicity
- anachronous: 时代错误的,ana + chronos
- anachronism
- incongruous: (地点)不一致的,in + con + gruere
- incongruity
- chronological:按时间先后的
- chronometer: 精密计时器,chronos + metron
- chronometry: 计时学
- synchronize: syn + chronos
- synchronous
disease, suffering, feeling
- pathological: 病态的
- pathology: 病理学,病状,pathos + logos
- sympathetic: syn + pathos
- sympathize
- antipathy: 反感,anti + pathos
- antipathetic
- apathetic:冷淡的,a + pathos
- apathy
- empathy: en + pathos
- pathetic
- telepathy: 心灵感应,tele + pathos
Session 17
- unconscionable: un + con + scio
- conscience: con + sciens
- conscious: con + scio
- science: sciens
- omniscient: 无所不知的,omnis + sciens
- omniscience
- prescient: 有先见之明的,pre + sciens
- nescient: 无知的,ne + scient
fool some of the people
- glib: 油腔滑调的,未经思考的
herds and flocks
- egregious: 极坏的,ex + grex
- gregarious: 合群的,grex
- congregate: 聚集,con + grex
- segregate: 分离,se + grex
- aggregate: v.(一个个)积累,n. 群体,ad + grex
- chronos: 【希腊语】时间
- ana: 表示否定
- gruere: 【拉丁语】一致
- syn: 【希腊语】一起
- pathos: 【希腊语】苦难
- scio: 【拉丁语】去了解
- scies: 【拉丁语】知识(scio 的现在主动分词)
- omnis: 【拉丁语】一切
- grex: 【拉丁语】群众
- se: 【拉丁语】分开
- ad: 【拉丁语】toward
How to check your progress
Session 18
How to talk about actions
Session 19
- disparage
- equivocate
- titillate
- adulate
- proscribe
- obviate
- militate
- malign
- condone
Session 20
- par: 标准杆,常规
- parity: 价值对等
- disparage: 贬低,dis + par
- disparaging
- disparity: 不对等
- disparate: 完全不同
- compare: com + par
- pair
- peer
how to say yes and no
- equivocate: 使用模棱两可的话隐瞒真相,aequus + vox
- unequivocal
- equivocation
statements of various kinds
- ambiguous: ambi + gogy
- ambiguity
- double entendre: 双关
- par: 【拉丁语】同等
- aequus: 【拉丁语】相等
- vox: 【拉丁语】声音
Session 21
more on equality
- equity
- equitable
- inequity
- inequitable
- iniquity: 邪恶,极不公证的
- iniquitous
- equinox: 昼夜平分点,春分或秋分,aequus + nox
- equinoctial
- nocturnal: 夜间活动的,nox
- nocturne: 夜曲
- equanimity: 平和,镇静,aequus + animus
- equability: 平静
- equable
- equilibrium: aequus + libra
- equilibrist: (杂技)走绳索的人
- equation
- equivalent
- equidistant
- equiangular
- equilateral: 等边
not to be confused with horses
- equestrian: 骑马的,骑马者,equus
- equestrienne
- equine: 马
hear voices?
- equivocal: aequus + vox
- vociferous: 吵吵嚷嚷的,vox + fero
- vocal: 畅所欲言的
- vocalize
- vocalist: 歌手
- nox: 【拉丁语】夜晚
- animus: 【拉丁语】精神
- libra: 【拉丁语】天秤(座),英镑(pound)的缩写 lb 也源于此
- equus: 【拉丁语】马
- fero: 【拉丁语】输送
Session 22
how to tickle
- titillate: 挑逗,激发
- titillation: 瘙痒(尤指在性方面)
how to flatter
- compliment: 称赞
- flattery: 奉承(通常不真诚)
- adulation: 谄媚,崇拜(到了极端、荒谬的程度),adulatio
- adulatory
ways of writing
- proscribe: 禁止,pro + scribo(在罗马时代,罪犯被惩罚前他的名字会被写在公告板上)
- proscription
- scribe: 抄写员
- scribble: 潦草书写
- prescribe: 处方
- describe: de + scribe(字面意思即写下来)
- subscribe: sub + scribe
- subway
- subsurface
- script
- inscribe: 刻,in + scribe
- postscript: post + scribe
it’s obvious
- obvious: ob + via(字面意思在路中间)
- obviate: ob + via(字面意思障碍在路中间,就绕过它)
- obviation
- trivial: tri + via(字面意思是三叉路口,所以要谈论琐碎的事情)
- triviality
- trivia
- militate: 产生作用或影响,militis
- militant: 斗志昂扬的(人)
- militancy
- military
- militia: 民兵
first the bad news
- malign: 污蔑,诽谤,malus
- malignant
- malignancy
- malignity
- malediction: 诅咒,malus + diction
- maledictory
- malevolent: 恶毒的,malus + volo
- malevolence
- maleficent: 有害的,malus + facio
- malefactor: 犯罪分子
- malefaction: 犯罪行为
- maladroit: 笨拙的,malus + droit
- malaise: 不舒服,(莫名的)不安,malus + ease
- malicious
- malice: 恶意
- malady: 弊端
- maladjusted: 失调的
- malcontent: 不满意的(人)
- malpractice: 玩忽职守
- malnutrition: 营养不良
- adulatio: 【拉丁语】讨好
- pro: 【拉丁语】在……之前
- scribo: 【拉丁语】书写
- de: 【拉丁语】down
- sub: 【拉丁语】在……下面/附近
- ob: 【拉丁语】against
- via: 【拉丁语】路
- militis: 【拉丁语】战士
- malus: 【拉丁语】邪恶;【法语】劣质的
- diction: 【拉丁语】说(dico, dictus)
- volo: 【拉丁语】意愿
- facio: 【拉丁语】生产,做(英语中常常表示为 fec- fic- factus,以及动词形式 fy)
Session 23
so now what’s the good news?
- benign
- benignant
- benignity
- benignancy
- benediction
- beneficent: bene + facio
- benefactor
- benefaction
- beneficiary: 受益人
- benevolent: bene + volo
- bonus
- bonbon: 【法语】小糖果
- bona fide: 真诚的
- fidelity: 忠实
- infidel: 不信宗教的(人)
- infidelity: 不忠实(尤指婚姻)
say, do, and wish
- dictate
- dictator
- dictation
- dictatorial
- contradict: contra + dictus
- addiction: ad + dictus
- factory: factus
- manufacture: manus + factus
- fiction
- artificial: art + factus
- clarify
- simplify
- liquefy
- magnify
- voluntary: volo
- involuntary: in + volo
- volunteer
- volition: 意愿
if you please
- placate: 安抚
- placation
- placative
- placatory
- implacable: 难以平息的,im + plac
- placable
- implacability
- placid: 温和的
- placidity
- complacent: 自满的
- complacence
how to give – and forgive
- condone: 宽恕,con + dono
- donor
- donate
- donation
- bene: 【拉丁语】好的
- fide: 【拉丁语】信任
- contra: 【拉丁语】相反
- manus: 【拉丁语】手工制作的
- plac: 【拉丁语】讨好,安抚
- dono: 【拉丁语】赠送
How to talk about various speech habits
Session 24
- taciturn
- laconic
- inarticulate
- garrulous
- banal
- verbose
- voluble
- cogent
- vociferous
- loquacious
Session 25
about keep one’s mouth shut
- taciturn: 沉默寡言的,taceo
- taciturnity
better left unsaid
- tacit: 心照不宣的,taceo
- reticent: 沉默的
talk, talk, talk
- loquacious: 爱说话的(未必带贬义),loquor
- loquacity
- soliloquy: 独白,solus + loquor
- soliloquist
- soliloquize
- ventriloquist: 口技表演者,ventris + loquor(即腹部发音的)
- colloquial: 口语的(不带贬义),con + loquor(con- 后跟 l 变成 col-,跟 r 变成 cor-,跟 m/p/b 变成 com-)
- colloquialism
- circumlocutory: (说话)委婉曲折的,circum + loquor
- circumlocution
- taceo: 【拉丁语】沉默
- loquor: 【拉丁语】说话
- solus: 【拉丁语】独自
- ventris: 【拉丁语】腹部
- circum: 【拉丁语】周围
Session 26
a Spartan virtue
- laconic: 简洁的,源于古希腊一个名为 Laconia 的城市
- laconicity
- laconism
- laconicism
- cogent: (理由、逻辑)有说服力的,cogo
back to talk
- eloquent: 雄辩的(强调神情而非逻辑),富于表情的,loquor
- magniloquent: (说话)夸张的,吹牛的,magnus + loquor
- grandiloquent: 夸张的,grandis + loquor
- garrulous: 多嘴的,喜欢讲话的,garrio
- verbose: 冗长的,verbum
- voluble: 喋喋不休的,volvo
- garrulity
- volubility
- verbosity
at large
- magnanimous: 宽宏大量的,magnus + animus
- magnate: 权贵
- magnify: magnus + fico
- magnificent: magnus + fico
- magnitude: magnus + tude
- magnum: 大酒瓶
- magnum opus: 巨著,杰作
- opera: 歌剧院,opus 的复数
- operate: opero
- co-operate
- operator
words, words, words
- revolve: 旋转,volvo
- revolution
- involve
- evolve
- cogo: 【拉丁语】强迫
- magnus: 【拉丁语】巨大的
- grandis: 【拉丁语】宏达的
- garrio: 【拉丁语】聊天
- verbum: 【拉丁语】词语
- volvo: 【拉丁语】滚动
- opus: 【拉丁语】作品
- opero: 【拉丁语】作品的动词形式
Session 27
front and back – and uncles
- ventral: 腹部的,ventris
- ventricle: 室,心室
- auricle: 心房,auris(像耳朵)
- ventricular
- avuncular: 叔叔的
- dorsal: 背部的,dorsum
- endorse: 签署,赞同,en + dorsum
the noise and the fury
- vociferous
- vociferate
to sleep or not to sleep – that is the question
- somniferous: 催眠的,somnus + fero
- insomnia: 失眠,in + somnus
- insomniac: 失眠症患者
- insomnious
- somnolent: 瞌睡的
- somnambulism: 梦游,somnus + ambulo
a walkaway
- ambulatory: (病人)能走动的,不卧床的,ambulo
- perambulator: 摇篮车,per + ambulo,常缩写为 pram
- ambulance
- amble: 漫步
- preamble: 序言,pre + ambulo
back to sleep
- soporific: 催眠的,让人想睡的,sopor + facio
noun suffixes
- inarticulate: 口齿不清的,in + articulus
- articulate: 发音清晰的
- banal: 平凡的,缺乏原创的,没有新意的
- banality
- auris: 【拉丁语】耳朵
- dorsum: 【拉丁语】背部
- somnus: 【拉丁语】睡眠
- ambulo: 【拉丁语】步行
- per: 【拉丁语】通过
- sopor: 【拉丁语】睡眠
- articulus: 【拉丁语】关节
How to insult your enemies
Session 28
- martinet
- sycophant
- dilettante
- virago
- chauvinist
- monomaniac
- iconoclast
- atheist
- lecher
- hypochondriac
Session 29
the French drillmaster
- martinet: 严格执行纪律的人,来源于人名 Jean Martinet
- martinetish
- martinetism
a Greek “fig-shower”
- sycophant: 谄媚的人,sykon + phanein
- sycophancy
- sycophantic
- diaphanous: (衣服等)半透明的,dia + phanein
just for one’s own amusement
- dilettante: 半吊子,闹着玩的人,来源于意大利语 dilettare(使高兴)
- dilettantish
- tyro: 初学者
- virtuoso: 大师,行家,更书面的复数写法是 virtuosi,类似的还有 dilettanti, libretti, concerti
“masculine” women
- virago: 泼妇,下面两个都是泼妇的意思,vir
- termagant
- harridan
the old man
- chauvinist: 沙文主义者,盲目的爱国/爱集体者
- patriotic: 爱国的,patris
- patrimony: 遗产,patris + monium
- patronymic: 源于父名的名字,pater + onyma
- synonym: 同义词,syn + onyma
- synonymous
- antonym: 反义词,an + onyma
- homonym: 同形同音异义词,homos + onyma,更准确的说法应该是 homophone
- paternity: 父亲的身份
- paternal
- paternalism: 家长式制度
- paternalistic
- patriarch: 族长,元老,pater + archein
- patriarchal: adj.
- patriarchy: n.
- patricide: 弑父,patris + cide
- patrician: 贵族的
- patron: 赞助人,保护人
- patronize: vt.
- paterfamilias: 家长
- padre: 神父
the old lady
- matriarch: 女族长,matris + archein
- maternity: 母亲的身份
- maternal: 母亲的
- matron: 已婚老妇人
- matronly: 主妇的,发福的,稍胖的
- alma mater: 母校
- matrimony: 婚姻,matris + mony
- matricide
murder most foul
- suicide: sui + cide
- fratricide: fratris + cide
- sororicide: soror + cide
- homicide: 杀人罪,分为故意杀人 murder 和过失杀人 manslaughter,homo + cide
- regicide: 弑君,regis + cide
- uxoricide: uxor + cide
- mariticide: maritus + cide
- infanticide: infantis + cide
- genocide: genos + cide
- parricide: 杀父母者
- sykon: 【希腊语】在乎,放在心上
- phanein: 【希腊语】表现
- dia: 【希腊语】通过
- pater/patris: 【拉丁语】父亲
- monium: 【拉丁语】表示行为、状态的后缀
- onyma: 【希腊语】姓名
- homos: 【希腊语】相同
- archein: 【希腊语】统治
- vir: 【拉丁语】男人
- cide: 【拉丁语】杀死
- mater/matris: 【拉丁语】母亲
- sui: 【拉丁语】自己
- frater/fratris: 【拉丁语】兄弟
- soror: 【拉丁语】姐妹
- homo: 【拉丁语】人
- rex/regis: 【拉丁语】君王,官员
- uxor: 【拉丁语】妻子
- maritus: 【拉丁语】丈夫
- infans/infantis: 【拉丁语】婴儿
- genos: 【希腊语】种族
Session 30
brothers and sisters, wives and husbands
- fraternize: 结交,经常指对下级建立关系,frater
- fraternal: 兄弟的(非孪生的)
- fraternity: 兄弟会
- sorority: 女学生联谊会,soror
- uxorious: 溺爱妻子的,oxor
- henpecked: 惧内的
- uxorial: 妻子的
- marital: 婚姻的,maritus
- extramarital: 婚外的,私通的
- premarital: 婚前的
of cabbages and kings (without the cabbage)
- regal: 皇家的,regis
- regality
- regalia: (复数)王权,盛装,礼服
“madness” of all sorts
- monomaniac: 偏执狂,monos + mania
- dipsomania: 嗜酒症,dipsa + mania
- kleptomania: 盗窃癖,klepte + mania
- pyromania: 纵火狂(出于纵火瘾),pyros + mania
- incendiary: 纵火犯(出于恶意报复),incensus
- arson: 纵火罪(出于牟利),arsus
- magalomania: 自大狂,megas + mania
- nymphomania: (女子的)色情狂,nymphe + mania
- satyromania: (男子的)色情狂,satyros + mania
and now phobias
- claustrophobia: 幽闭恐惧症,claustrum + phobia
- agoraphobia: 广场(旷野)恐惧症,agora + phobia
- acrophobia: 恐高症,akros + phobia
- dipsa: 【希腊语】饥渴
- klepte: 【希腊语】偷窃
- pyros: 【希腊语】火
- incendo/incensus: 【拉丁语】纵火
- ardo/arsus: 【拉丁语】烧毁
- megas: 【希腊语】巨大
- nymphe: 【希腊语】新娘
- satyros: 【希腊语】好色之徒,半人半兽的森林之神
- claustrum: 【拉丁语】封闭区域
- phobia: 【希腊语】恐惧
- agora: 【希腊语】市集
- akros: 【希腊语】最高的
Session 31
no reverence
- iconoclast: 提倡打破习俗的人,eikon + klaein
- iconoclasm
- iconoclastic
is there a God?
- atheist: 无神论者,a + theos
- atheism
- agnosticism: 不可知论
how to know
- agnostic: a + gnostos
- diagnosis: 诊断,dia + gnostos
- prognosis: 预测,pro + gnostos
- diagnose
- prognosticate
getting back to God
- monotheism: 一神论,monos + theos
- polytheism: 多神论,polys + theos
- pantheism: 泛神论,pan + theos
- theology: 神学,theos + logos
- theologian
of sex and the tongue
- lecher: 纵欲的人
- lechery
- lecherous
- libidinous: 好色的,淫荡的,libido(愉悦)
- lascivious: 好色的,淫荡的,lascivia(嬉戏的,荒唐的)
- lubricious: 光滑的,淫荡的,lubricus(光滑的)
- lubricity
- licentious: 放纵的,licentia(完全许可的)
- lewd: 淫荡的,猥亵的
- lustful: 好色的,贪欲的
- lust
of sex and the itch
- prurient: 好色的,淫乱的,prurio
- pruritis: 瘙痒,prurio + itis
- pruritic
under and over
- hypochondria: 臆想病,hypos + chondros(字面意思为软骨以下,即腹部,古希腊认为人关于健康的焦虑是从腹部产生的)
- hypochondriacal
- hypothyroid: 甲状腺功能减退的,hypo + thyroid
- hypotension: 低血压
- hypocritical: 虚伪的,过于挑剔的
- hyperthyroidism: 甲状腺功能亢进
- hyhertension: 高血压
- eikon: 【希腊语】宗教形象
- klaein: 【希腊语】打破
- theos: 【希腊语】神
- gnostos: 【希腊语】知道的
- pro: 【希腊语】预先
- pan: 【希腊语】所有的
- prurio: 【拉丁语】渴望
- chondros: 【希腊语】胸骨中的软骨
Teaser questions
- incendiary: 煽动的
- ardent: 热心的
- ardor: 热情
- metropolis: 大都市,meter + polis(城市)
- megapolis: 特大城市
- police: polis
- politics: polis
- bibliokleptomania: 偷书狂
- hypoglycemia: 低血糖
- Pantheon: 万神殿
- pandemonium: 魔窟,地狱
- panorama: 全景
How to flatter your friends
Session 32
- convivial
- indefatigable
- ingenuous
- perspicacious
- magnanimous
- versatile
- stoical
- intrepid
- scintillating
- urbane
Session 33
eat, drink, and be merry
- convivial: 友好的,活泼的,欢乐的,con + vivo
living it up
- vivacious: 活泼的
- vivacity
- vivid: 生动的,鲜明的
- revive
- revival: n.
- vivisection: 活体解剖
- antivivisectionist
- viviparous: 胎生的,vivo + pareo
- oviparous: 卵生的,ovum + pareo
- oval: 椭圆形的
- ovoid: 椭圆形的
- ovulate: 排卵
- ovary: 卵巢
- ovarian: adj.
- ovum: 卵子
- fetus: 胎儿
- love: 法语中卵的意思(l’oeuf)
more about life
- vital: vita
- revitalize: 复兴,re + vita
- devitalize: 夺去生命
- vitamin
French life
- joie de vivre: 生活的乐趣
- bon vivant: 喜欢奢侈生活的人
- gourmet: 美食家
- gourmand: 喜欢吃喝的人
- gormandize: 大吃大喝(贬)
- glutton: 贪食者(贬)
- vivo: 【拉丁语】生活
- vita: 【拉丁语】生命
- pareo: 【拉丁语】产生
- ovum: 【拉丁语】卵
Session 34
no fatigue
- indefatigable: 不知疲倦的,in + de + fatigue
how simple can one be?
- ingenuous: 坦白的,真诚的
- ingenuousness
- ingenious: 聪明的
- ingenuity
- naïve: 缺乏经验的,不懂世故的
- naïveté
- credulous: 轻信的,不怀疑的
- credulity
- gullible: 易受骗的(比 credulous 更含贬义)
- gullibility
belief and disbelief
- credulous: credo
- credulity
- credit
- credible: 可以被相信的
- credibility
- incredulous: 不轻信的,怀疑的
- incredulity
- incredible: 难以置信的
- incredibility
what people believe in
- credo: 信条
- creed: 宗教信条,教义
- credence: 信任
- credentials: 凭证
heads and tails
- disingenuous: 假装不知道的;不诚实的
- credo: 【拉丁语】相信
Session 35
how to look
- perspicacious: 有洞察力的,聪明的,敏锐的,per + spic
- perspicacity
- acumen: n. 敏锐,acuo
- acute
- acuity
- acupuncture: 针灸,acuo + punctus
- punctuate: 给文章加标点;不时打断
- punctual: 准时的
- punctilious: 一丝不苟的
- puncture: 刺穿
- pungent: 刺激性的
some more looking
- perspicuous: 表达清楚的
- perspicuity
- spectacle: 景象;场面,specto
- spectacles: 眼镜
- spectacular: 惊人的
- spectator: 目击者
- inspect: 检查
- retrospect: 回顾
- prospect: 展望,pro + specto
- prospective
- introspect: 反省,内省,intro + specto
- circumspect: 细心的,慎重的,circum + specto
- circumspection
- specious: 似是而非的,徒有其表的
- specto/spic: 【拉丁语】看
- acuo: 【拉丁语】削尖
- punctus: 【拉丁语】点
Session 36
the great and the small
- animal: animus
- animate: 使有生气,有生气的
- inanimate
- animated
- animation
- magnanimous: 宽宏大量的,magnus + animus
- magnanimity
- pusillanimous: 胆怯的,优柔寡断的,pusillus + animus
- pusillanimity
- unanimous: 意见一致的,umus + animous
- equanimity
- animus: 敌意
- animosity: 敌意
- versatile: 多才多艺的,versus
- versatility
Zeno and the front porch
- Stoics: Zeno 的跟随者,Zeno 认为人们应该把自己从紧张的心情中解放出来,不为喜悦或忧伤所动
- stoical: 坚忍的,禁欲主义的
- Stoicism: 禁欲主义
fear and trembling
- intrepid: 无畏的,in + trepido
- intrepidity
- trepidation: 恐惧
quick flash
- scintilla: 火花,闪烁,not a scintilla of sth 即一点儿也没有的意思
- scintillate: 闪烁;焕发才智
- scintillating
city and country
- urbane: 彬彬有礼的,urbs
- urbanity
- urban: 都市的
- suburbs: 郊区,sub + urbs
- suburbia: 郊区及其居民的总称
- suburban: adj.
- suburbanite: 郊区居民
- interurban: 都市间的,inter + urban
- exurb: 远郊敌区
- exurbia
- exurban
- exurbanite
- urbs: 都市
- rural: 乡下的,田园的,ruris
- rustic: 手工粗糙的,乡巴佬
- rusticity
- rusticate: 下乡
- pusillus: 【拉丁语】微小的
- umus: 【拉丁语】一
- trepido: 【拉丁语】颤抖
- scintilla: 【拉丁语】火花
- urbs: 【拉丁语】城市
- rus/ruris: 【拉丁语】乡村
Session 37
How to check your progress
Session 38
How to talk about common phenomena and occurances
Session 39
- penury
- vicarious
- ephemeral
- euphemisms
- badinage
- bovine
- nostalgia
- cacophonous
- carnivorous
- clandestine
Session 40
money, and what it will buy
- penury: 极度贫穷,penuria
- penurious: 极度贫穷的;吝啬的
- parsimonious: 贫穷的;吝啬的(程度比 penurious 轻)
- parsimony
- indigence: 贫穷(中等程度的)
- destitution: 极度贫穷(和 penury 程度一样)
- destitute: adj.
- affluence: 富裕(隐含财富正在增长的意思),ad + fluo
- affluent
- opulence: 奢华的,富丽堂皇的(强于 affluence),opulentus
- opulent
- fluid: fluo
- influence: fluo
- confluence: 汇合,人群,con + fluo
doing and feeling
- vicarious: 间接体验的
time is relative
- ephemera: 生命短促的人或物,蜉蝣
- ephemeral
- evanescent: 短暂的,ex + vanesco,-scent 有开始……的意思
- evanescence: n.
- evanesce: adj.
- adolescent: 青春期(开始变为成年人)
- convalesce: 病后开始恢复
- putrescent: 正在腐烂的
- obsolescent: 被逐步废弃的
an exploration of various good things
- euphemism: 委婉的说法,eu + pheme
- euphemistic
- euphony: 悦耳的声音,eu + phone
- euphonic
- eulogy: 颂词,eu + logos
- eulogistic
- eulogize
- eulogist
- euphoria: 精神欢快
- euphoric
- euthanasia: 安乐死,eu + thanatos
exploration of modes of expression
- badinage: 打趣
- persiflage: 揶揄(比 badinage 更具嘲弄味,但仍然不带恶意)
- cliché: 陈词滥调
- bromide: 陈词滥调
- bromidic
- platitude: 陈词滥调(尤指被当作新内容时)
- platitudinous
- anodyne: 能解除或减轻忧愁的事物,an- + odyne
- plateau: 高地,平原
- platter: 大浅盘
- penuria: 【拉丁语】需求
- fluo: 【拉丁语】流动
- vanasco: 【拉丁语】消失
- eu: 【希腊语】好的
- pheme: 【希腊语】语音
- thanatos: 【希腊语】死亡
- odyne: 【希腊语】疼痛
Session 41
people are the craziest animals
- bovine: (像)牛的;迟钝的;笨拙的,bovis
- phlegmatic: 迟钝的;冷静的;临危不惧的
- leonine: (像)狮子的,leo
- canine: (像)狗的,canis
- feline: (像)猫(科)的,felis
- porcine: (像)猪的,porcus
- vulpine: (像)狐狸的;狡猾的,vulpus
- ursine: (像)熊的,ursus
- lupine: (像)狼的;凶猛的,lupus
- equine: (像)马的,equus
- piscine: (像)鱼的,piscis
you can’t go home again
- nostalgia: 乡愁,nostos + algos
- nostalgic
- cacophony: 杂音,刺耳的声音,caco + phone
- cacophonous
- telephone: tele + phone
- euphony: eu + phone
- phonograph: phone + graph
- saxophone: 萨克斯管
- xylophone: 木琴,xylon + phone
- phonetics: 语音学
- phonetic
- phonetician
- phonics: 声学
the flesh and all
- carnivorous: 食肉的,carnis + voro
- carnivore: 食肉动物
- herbivorous: 食草的,herba + voro
- omnivorous: 杂食的,omnis + voro
- voracious: 狼吞虎咽的;贪婪的
- omnipotent: 全能的,omnis + potens
- potentate: 统治者
- impotent: 无力的
- potent: 有力的
- potential: 有潜力的
- omniscient: omnis + sciens
- omnipresent: 无所不在的
- ubiquitous: 无所不在的,ubique
- ubiquity: n.
- omnibus: 综合性的
more flesh
- carnelian: 红玉髓,玛瑙(色)
- carnival: 狂欢节,来源于四旬斋前人们纵情欢乐后用 “Carne vale” 结束
- carnal: 肉体的,肉欲的
- carnality
- carnage: 大屠杀
- reincarnation: 转世化身
- incarnate: 化身(的);体现;使具体化
dark secrets
- clandestine: 偷偷摸摸的(尤指因为违法),clam
- surreptitious: 和 clandestine 同义,movements/actions 只能用 surreptitious 形容,plans 只能用 clandestine 形容
- nostos: 【希腊语】返回
- xylon: 【希腊语】木头
- carnis: 【拉丁语】肉
- voro: 【拉丁语】吞食
- herba: 【拉丁语】草
- potens/potentis: 【拉丁语】强大的
- ubuique: 【拉丁语】到处
- vale: 【拉丁语】辞别
- clam: 【拉丁语】秘密的
How to talk about what goes on
Session 42
- enervate
- castigate
- self-abnegate
- recapitulate
- vegetate
- simulate
- intimate
- alleviate
- commiserate
- vacillate
Session 43
more than fatigue
- enervate: 使衰弱,ex + nervus
- enervation
- energy: en + ergon
- erg: 尔格(功的单位)
- synergism: (药物等)协同作用,syn + ergon
- synergistically
- synergy: 同 synergism
verbal punishment
- castigate: 惩罚;苛评。语气强于 scold/criticize/rebuke/censure/reprimand/berate,和 rail at/rant at/slash at/lash out at/tongue-lash 接近
saying “No!” to oneself
- abnegate: 否认;弃权。ab- + nego
- negate: 否认(事实等)
- negative
- negativity
heads and headings
- captain: caput
- capital: capitis
- decapitate: 斩首
- recapitulate: 重述要点
- capitulate: (有条件的)投降
more vegetables
- vegetable: vegeto
- vegetate: 无所事事的生活
- vegetation: 植物;无趣的事物
- nervus: 【拉丁语】神经
- ergon: 【希腊语】工作
- ab-: 【拉丁语】离去
- nego: 【拉丁语】否认,源于拉丁语 neg(否)
- caput/capitis: 【拉丁语】头部
- vegeto: 【拉丁语】生长
Session 44
not the real McCoy
- simulate: simulo
- simulation
- dissimulation
- dissimulate: 掩饰
- dissimulator
- dissemble: 演示
- dissemblance
hints and helps
- intimate: 暗示;亲密的(动词和形容词的读音不一样)。intimus
- intimacy
- intimation
- alleviate: ad + levis
- alleviation
- alleviative
- relieve
- elevate: ex + levis
- elevator
- levitation: 悬浮
- levitate
- levity: 轻率。例:Okay, enough levity – now let’s get down to business.
sharing someone’s misery
- commiserate: 怜悯。con + miser
- miser: 守财奴
- miserly: 贪婪的
- miserable
- misery
swing and sway
- vacillate: 踌躇,摇摆。vacillo
- vacillatory
- ambivalent: 矛盾的
- ambivalence
- oscillate: 摆动,振动,oscillum
- simulo: 【拉丁语】模拟,源于拉丁语 similis(相似)
- intimus: 【拉丁语】最里面的
- levis: 【拉丁语】轻的
- miser: 【拉丁语】可怜的
- vacillo: 【拉丁语】摇摆
- oscillum: 【拉丁语】秋千
How to talk about a variety of personal characteristics
Session 45
- obsequious
- querulous
- supercilious
- obstreperous
- impecunious
- chivalrous
- innocuous
- bibulous
- cadaverous
- dolorous
Session 46
- obsequious: 谄媚的。ob + sequ(跟随)
- obsequies: 葬礼
- subsequent: 后来的,接下去的
- sequel: 后续
- sequence
- querulous: 爱发牢骚的。queror(抱怨)
- supercilious: 目空一切的。super(在……之上)+ cilium(睫毛)
- obstreperous: 吵闹的,骚乱的。ob + strepo(吵嚷)
- impecunious: 身无分文的。im + pecus(家畜)
- pecuniary: 金钱(方面)的
- chivalrous: 对女子谦恭有礼的, 有骑士风度的。cheval(马)
- cavalcade: 骑马行列
- cavalier: 骑手;不在乎别人感受的。
- cavalry: 骑兵
- chivalry: chivalrous 的名词形式
- chivalric: 同 chivalrious
- innocuous: 无伤大雅的,无害的。in + neceo(伤害)
- innocent
- noxious: 有害的
- bibulous: 嗜酒的。bibo(喝酒)
- imbibe: 饮;汲取
- bib: 围裙的上部
- cadaverous: 惨白的,像尸体的。cado(坠落)
- cadaver: 尸体
- decadent: 颓废的
- dolorous: 忧伤的。doleo(痛苦)
- dolor: 痛
- doleful: 忧郁的,悲哀的
- condole: 表示同情,哀悼
- condolence
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